Naples Counselor Dr. Udo Fischer – Featured In

Couples Marriage Counseling
Evidence Based Counseling Works Very Well for Couples Marriage Counseling
Marriage is tough work. Let’s get your relationship back on track!
Some of the couples I see in my office are broken, feel guilty, are hurt, tired, and are on their last effort to salvage their relationship. Other couples are simply noticing a soft distancing from their partner, wondering where the “spice” has gone. Some other couples desire to stop arguing, as even the most basic things set each other off where they are saying things they regret and wish their kids hadn’t heard.
As a marriage counselor, one of the most rewarding parts of my job is helping couples “figure it out.”
I treasure the fact that literally one quarter of my daily effort is dedicated to couples work; it is critically important, and selfishly, so rewarding. But what’s even better, is that lives are changed!
If two people, especially if children are involved, can work out their issues, that is highly desirable; both clinically and otherwise.
What’s funny, is people who are in a long term relationship often came together, initially, because they are not the same. Obviously there is a balance that has to be struck and of course there needs to be some shared values and interests.
Most successful long term relationships are built on common foundations but with beautiful differences that often come together to compliment each other. “The Spice,” as it’s commonly referred to, is often in those differences.
“Have you’ve heard the saying that the sum of 1 and 1, is more than 2?”
I love helping couples recognize and explore that their differences are often complimentary to each other and more synergistic then they currently see it.
It’s interesting that this is often the lens we have to look through to identify and resolve conflict.
Tangibly, those differences help predict the conflict in our daily lives together.
So integrating the awareness and being mindful when we interact on a daily basis is paramount. Couples achieving insight and genuinely appreciating these differences, is nothing short of an amazing gift. Unfortunately those gifts are often viewed in a highly negative perspective as something to either just “put up with” or even “loath” in their partner.
“Marriage is not easy and requires a commitment to see it through. But it’s totally worth it. There is hope!”
Helping people figure that out, with the right communication skills is highly gratifying and rewarding for me, but it’s life changing for the families involved.
I worked with a couple who had conflict for more than twenty years and painfully waited until their children went off to college before they saught help, they went through counseling, and within a few months, they were holding hands again and living with “the spice” they longed for for so long…there is nothing more rewarding than that.
If you need help with couples marriage counseling in Naples or Bonita Springs, I would be honored if you would consider scheduling an appointment with me at the Fischer Institute. Please call my priority care line at (239) 307-0101 and leave your confidential message. I will return your phone call as soon as I am able.
Naples Counselor - Dr. Udo Fischer
In a comfortable and supportive atmosphere, I offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each of my clients individual needs to help attain the personal growth they’re striving for.
"We are the result of what we have thought."
- Naples, Counselor Dr. Udo Fischer
For generations, this wisdom has been a cornerstone of the philosophies and religions of man. It reflects the essence of dynamic and transformational therapy and provides the keys to our happiness and success. With a true understanding of the profound yet practical validity of this statement, there is no life issue that I can not show you how to manage!
Proven by research to be the most effective approach both in long and short term outcome, Cognitive Behavior Therapy lies in perfect harmony with such wisdom.