Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Near You Naples by Dr. Udo Fischer

Dr. Udo Fischer PhD, LMHC, Dipl. Psych.

Trusted Counselor Naples, FL

The Fischer Institute: Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Near You Naples by Dr. Udo Fischer

801 Laurel Oak Dr.
Naples, Florida 34108
Phone: (239) 307-0101


Dr. Udo Fischer

Schedule Your No-Obligation Phone Inquiry Today: (239) 307-0101

Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Near You Naples by Dr. Udo Fischer – Featured In

The Fischer Institute: Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Near You Naples

Cadet School, German Army

Study of Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Clinical Neuropsychology at Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Germany

Clinical internships/training:

  1. Forensic Max. Sec. Prison, LVR, Bedburg-Hau, Germany
  2. Neuropsychological Evaluation and Rehabilitation at N.E.T.Z., Essen, Germany
  3. Institute for Psychological Psychotherapy Sachse, IPP Sachse, Bochum, Germany
  4. Beck Institue, Bala Cynwood, PA, USA
  5. Nonviolent Communication w. Marshall Rosenberg, Sarasota, FL, USA
  6. Inpatient and intensive outpatient treatment centers for eating and substance abuse disorders, Naples, FL

Board certifications/associations:

German Psychological Association (BDP)

Mental Health Counseling, FL, USA


Life Passions

I am passionate about life, living it fully and the significance of relationships. Especially given the brevity of our lifespans, the fragility of life and the inevitable challenges and often suffering we all must cope with sooner or later, some of us unduly more than others.

Favorite Services
  1. I truly enjoy helping anyone sort through relationship issues, patterns and challenges. In conjunction with that, couples and marriage counseling as well as helping navigate anyone through the sometimes treacherous waters of separating from a high-conflict personality during a divorce or break-up of any kind. 
  2. In addition, seeing someone overcome a debilitating anxiety disorder is very rewarding as progress can often be made rather quickly given clients’ readiness and cooperation. 
  3. Teaching parents how to mitigate behavioral issues or to accomplish behavioral goals for and with their children based on positive behavior modification. 
  4. Helping leaders address and resolve personal or organizational challenges in their respective relationships, companies or departments. 
Personal Aspects

Married to beautiful wife from Philadelphia, daughter born and raised in Naples, several dogs.

Enjoying many different sports, i.e. history of Soccer, American Football (in Europe), Martial Arts.

Other hobbies are enjoying time with my family and high quality food and restaurants.

Books: ‘Extreme Ownership’ by Jocko Willink, ’12 Rules for Life’ by Jordan Peterson, ‘The Power of Now’ and ‘A New Earth’ by Eckhart Tolle.

Travels throughout Europe and the Maldives in the Indian Ocean for Scuba Diving and more.

Life Experiences

Cadet/Officer in German Army (rejected an invite to interview for American Army Special Forces, Green Berets in Heidelberg, Germany, since the German Military offered me a contract earlier and I had to make a decision)

Post-military: leadership positions in International Logistics and Shipping to apply Foreign Language skills, i.e. English, French and Russian

Trouble Shooter for different logistics companies during psychology studies

Providing personal protection and guidance for high profile clients, celebrities, politicians and Event Security during psychology studies

Favorite Aphorisms & Wisdoms

’Suffering is necessary – until you realize it is unnecessary,’

‘We don’t have a lot of time- we need to proceed very slowly.’

‘Everything we are is the result of our thoughts.’

’To know and not to do is not to know.’

Don’t continue to suffer, see our services or send us an email to setup a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Near You Naples appointment.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Near You Naples

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.” For generations, this wisdom has been a cornerstone of the philosophies and religions of man. It reflects the essence of dynamic and transformational therapy and provides the keys to our happiness and success.

With a true understanding of the profound yet practical validity of this statement, there is no psychological or life issue that I can not show you how to manage!

Proven by research to be the most effective approach both in long and short term outcome, Cognitive Behavior Therapy lies in perfect harmony with such wisdom.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Near You Naples
In Europe I worked with Prof. Sachse, a leading expert for psychosomatic disorders and persistent, recurring interpersonal problems. I completed specialty training in the treatment of anxiety disorders, such as OCD and Social Anxiety. In Philadelphia my expertise in Cognitive Behavior Therapy was further deepened with Aaron and Judith Beck, founders of the Beck Institute of Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

Utilizing the wealth of this background, I employ a conflict management approach for couples and families equally applicable in educational, business and diplomatic contexts. It reveals that needs are never in conflict, but rather our strategies to meet these needs. Such focus will be the basis of our work together.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Near You Naples by Dr. Udo Fischer – Available Now.

Evidence-Based Therapy

In a comfortable and supportive atmosphere, I offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each of my clients individual needs to help attain the personal growth they’re striving for.

Psychologist Naples - Capable of Transformation

Executive Coaching

Many successful people reach a point in their career where they feel they’ve hit a roadblock.  Unable to access higher levels of achievement both personally and professionally.

Our evidence-based approach will help you reach unparrelled successes.




"We are the result of what we have thought."

- Naples, Counselor Dr. Udo Fischer

For generations, this wisdom has been a cornerstone of the philosophies and religions of man. It reflects the essence of dynamic and transformational therapy and provides the keys to our happiness and success. With a true understanding of the profound yet practical validity of this statement, there is no life issue that I can not show you how to manage!

Proven by research to be the most effective approach both in long and short term outcome, Cognitive Behavior Therapy lies in perfect harmony with such wisdom.

Call (239) 307-0101